Wed, Mar 17, 2021
News & Innovations
In response to 2020 pandemic COVED-19 our health safety precautions were implemented to ensure safety of our personal as well as the customers of our product.
As with the rest of the country our hygiene regulations became stricter and were being monitored hourly with facemasks being worn within the premises, social distancing, hand washing before and after applying new gloves. The production area was also regularly cleaned with alcohol-based sanitiser to ensure any virus or bacteria was killed off of any surfaces it could have come into contact with. We have also taken extra measures by investing in 2 fully automated palletizing robots that will both increase the eciencies of our organisation and will reduce the potential for contact transmission onto the boxes. The COVID-19 pandemic struck the world in surprise to say the least. It has affected everyone from the smallest towns to the biggest cities and the world was taken aback by it. Wimpex was called to help, as an essential service we are responsible for stepping up when our community and those we export to need us. In order to help out we maxed our capacities, multiplied orders and shipped out major quantities of milk products and did not stop working 24/7. We are amazed at the resilience and loyalty of our employees and staff during this time and we could not be prouder of how such a dicult situation was handled.